
Cigdem Beyan

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science, University of Verona
Ca'vignal 2, Room 1.87

Cigdem Beyan holds the position of Associate Professor (INFO-01/A - Informatics) in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Verona, Italy. Her research interests primarily lie in the areas of computer vision, machine learning, social signal processing, affective computing, and human/animal behavior analysis. Cigdem has co-authored more than 60 peer-reviewed scientific articles and regularly publishes in top-tier journals and conferences in computer vision, multimedia, and social/affective computing. She serves as a reviewer for several journals in multimedia, affective computing, computer vision, and machine learning (e.g., IEEE Trans. PAMI, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, IEEE Trans. Affective Computing, Pattern Recognition), and as an Area Chair for major IEEE/ACM/IAPR/BMVA conferences (e.g., CVPR, ECCV, ICML, WACV, ACM MM, BMVC, ACM ICMI, ICLR). She is a member of IEEE, ACM, and ELLIS. Additionally, she has been actively involved in organizing conferences in the fields of computer vision, social robotics, human-computer interaction, and biometrics. Since 2014, she has been recognized as an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy for her achievement against the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education.

Previous positions: University of Edinburgh (Ph.D.), Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (PostDoc), University of Trento (Assistant Prof.), University of Bergamo (Tenure-track Assistant Prof.).




Recent Research

I'm not able to keep this very up-to-date. Please refer to my  google scholar profile  for a more concrete info.
AL-GTD: Deep Active Learning for Gaze Target Detection, 2024, ACM Multimedia
Tonini, F. , Dall'Asen, N. , Vaquero, L. , Beyan, C. , and Ricci, E.
Leveraging Next-Active Objects for Context-Aware Anticipation in Egocentric Videos, 2024, WACV
Thakur, S. , Beyan, C. , Morerio, P. , Murino, V. , and Del Bue, A.
Object-aware Gaze Target Detection, 2023, ICCV
Tonini, F. , Dall'Asen, N. , Beyan, C. , and Ricci, E.
Exploring Diffusion Models for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection, 2023, ICIP
Tur, O. A.,,Dall'Asen, N.,Beyan, C. and Ricci, E.
Enhancing Next Active Object-based Egocentric Action Anticipation with Guided Attention, 2023, ICIP
Thakur, S.,Beyan, C.,Morerio, P.,Murino, V., and Del Bue, A.